In June of 2009 I fostered this dog:
When I got him, he was a six or seven week old puppy that fit into the palm of my hand. He was quickly adopted and recently his new dad found me at PetSmart and told me that Pip, now named Mario, is doing great. He showed me this picture of him. He's still small and still adorable! His dad said that Mario is doing great and pretty much rules the house. I love hearing updates on my previous fosters - it's great to know that they are getting to live their "happily ever after".
Friday, April 29, 2011
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Ziggy Goes To The River
When I told Ziggy we were going to go exploring, he was very excited. He even insisted on driving.
That's how we ended up in the middle of this lake.
Oops - maybe you'd better do the driving next time. |
Okay, not really. Actually I drove and we went to Lock & Dam 25 on the Mississippi River.
The area is very flooded right now!
We had a great time on the trail.
Ziggy was constantly looking up at me with a look in his eyes that seemed to say "Isn't this GREAT?!" The place is only about 10 minutes from our house so I think we'll be coming back to this trail often.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Beagle-mix Puppies
These two puppies spent the weekend at my house since their foster mom had company over for Easter. I learned a lot about these two pups in the short time I had them. This picture pretty much sums up their personalities. The one on the right is sweet and a little bit shy, and always does whatever is asked of her. The one on the left is a different story. It's not that she doesn't want to do what is asked of her... but there's usually something more exciting going on.
This puppy will gladly sit and pose for the camera.
But this one - well, she was much too busy pruning the rose bush to stop for a picture.
I returned both pups to their foster mom today. She mentioned she needed to have some yard work done, and I knew just the right puppy to handle the job!
Monday, April 25, 2011
Cleo's Ears
When I first saw Cleo, she looked something like this:
Then, as she became more comfortable, her ears began to rise...
more and more.
And now, her ears look something like this:
Unless she's really happy. Then they look something like this:
I love when she's really happy.
Then, as she became more comfortable, her ears began to rise...
more and more.
And now, her ears look something like this:
Unless she's really happy. Then they look something like this:
I love when she's really happy.
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Great Adoption Weekend!
My foster cat Simon was adopted on Thursday evening. He went home with a young couple who are very excited to have a new member of the family. Then today Tiggr went to his new home! He was adopted by a single lady who recently lost her sixteen year old cat. Each one will be an only cat and I think they'll do great in their new homes. As if the two cat adoptions were not exciting enough, today we had a great adoption day at PetSmart as three dogs found homes, and one more is pending adoption (after a home visit). First is Hunter, a large black lab that was most likely going to be euthanized if his foster mom had not pulled him from animal control. The foster family adopted him and he is doing great in his new home. The other two adoptions were both unexpected but people who were shopping just fell in love with them when they saw them, so they were in the right place at the right time. Bailey the Chocolate Lab puppy was adopted, and Polly my foster Chihuahua was also adopted! Arnold the pit bull/manatee also received an application for adoption and will hopefully be adopted pending a home visit. It is wonderful to see so many pets getting into homes.
Now that we have some more openings for cats at PetSmart, I'm going to be sending Brie, Sorbet and Belle up to PetSmart so they will have more opportunities to be seen. That will only leave me with Cleo, Ziggy and Kira and her kittens left here at home. For now.
I did manage to bring home two extra puppies, just for the weekend. I was kind of surprised that neither of these cute puppies was adopted at the event today, but I'm sure it won't take long until they too are adopted!
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
More Introductions
I'd like to introduce you to a few more dogs and cats, if you don't mind. I'll try to make this quick, because there are several of them.
First is Simon. He's a gray tabby cat that came from a city shelter where he'd been living for seven months. He's three years old, and he really wants a home of his own.
Next, there's Polly. She is one of the puppy mill dogs that All Paws took in about a month ago. She's been in another foster home, where she had taken to climbing fences and bullying the other puppy mill chihuahuas, so she was sent to rehab at my house. Ziggy volunteered to be the drill sergeant.
As if I didn't have enough cats running around, I went to a different city shelter and pulled this girl. I named her Belle, and even though she's a Calico, she seems very sweet. She is six years old and was in danger of being euthanized because of her "old age", so I had to take her. This was the glare she gave me when I called her old.
And finally, I brought home this dog and named her Pebbles. Then I remembered that I already had a foster dog named Pebbles previously so I changed it to Freckles. Then I checked my blog while typing this post and realized I also had a foster dog named Freckles already. So I think I'm naming her Cleo. For now.
She doesn't really have laser blue eyes. She does however love to chase cats. Which makes it not an easy foster situation for someone with three foster cats running around (plus two staying at PetSmart and Kira and her kittens in another room). Wow - when I put it like that, it doesn't really sound all that crowded around here.
So for those of you keeping track, here's the latest:
Remi (my Great Dane) is visiting Noelle (my deaf pit bull) and Dave (my husband) at the old house this week.
Ziggy (deaf foster pit bull) is starting his own boot camp to keep the other dogs in line.
Polly (foster Chihuahua) is learning how to be a real dog instead of a puppy-making machine.
Cleo (foster Beagle mix) is learning the new rules of the house and enjoying life out of a shelter.
Simon (foster tabby cat) is living at PetSmart and hoping to be adopted.
Tiggr (foster tabby cat) moved to PetSmart today and is hoping to be adopted again.
Belle (foster calico cat) is living in a quarantined area (aka my bathroom) until she can be tested/vetted.
Brie (foster tabby cat) is hiding in the home office.
Sorbet (foster Siamese mix) is exploring the entire house and still bouncing off walls.
Kira (foster torbie cat) and Kona (kitten) and Kimba (kitten) are living in the "cat room".
Merlin (my cat) is enjoying the new house and all the new friends. I'm sure of it.
Now I'm planning on no more new fosters until I get some adoptions!
Monday, April 18, 2011
Missy was Adopted!
Missy went out on a trial adoption on Saturday. When I first met the couple, I knew they looked familiar, but couldn't place them. Then they reminded me that a couple of years ago they had been interested in adopting Noelle. At the time she was my long-time foster dog (kind of like Ziggy) and I was very hopeful that this would be a good fit for her. I did a home visit, but Noelle was a bit too much for their cats, so it was decided that it wasn't a good fit. I think Missy will be a much better fit, and am hopeful that this will be her happily ever after!
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Mouse Race Results
A while back we had a contest to name a mouse at an All Paws Rescue mouse-racing fundraiser. Frankie Furter was the winner of the contest, and he named his mouse "WINNER". I thought this was a great name, so when the time came, I quickly bet all of my chips on WINNER.
Perhaps I should have checked out the mouse before making this decision. The mice each spent time right before their race in a small cage with a wheel so they could "warm up" for the race.
Winner spent his time sleeping.
Still, he turned out to be quite a fast runner. If only he hadn't had so much trouble with the hurdles. I recorded the race on video so you could see the results yourself. That's Winner in lane four.
View on YouTube
Even if Winner wasn't the big winner, the important thing was that everyone had a great time and we raised money for three rescue groups at the same time!
Friday, April 15, 2011
Introducing Brie and Sorbet; Tiggr was Returned
I didn't name these two kittens. I just kept the names they were given at the shelter. Kittens are often given weird names, especially when there are so many coming into a shelter on a regular basis. It's a sign of a good shelter that they were given names instead of just numbers! The shelter where I found them is trying very hard to be both open-admission and no-kill. They're doing a great job caring for the cats, but unfortunately they don't do as many adoptions in their location as they need. These kittens were turned in by their "owners" when they were only ten weeks old. There were originally three kittens in the litter, and when they were turned in they were thin, dirty, had fleas, worms and coccidia. One of the kittens later died from coccidia, and only Brie and Sorbet survived. They've been living in cages in the shelter since October! They're now almost nine months old, and since they were ten weeks old, other than possibly some time in the shelter's play room, they've only known life in a cage. When I saw them there last week, among the many dozens of other cats, I immediately picked them out. It was so hard to leave behind the rest of the cats, many of whom had been waiting even longer than these two.
I was a bit worried about them since they've never really known life in a home. Would they be scared in my house with all the normal household noises and the dogs barking? Would they feel scared of all the open space since they've been confined for so long? I put them together in the office and shut the door to let them get accustomed to the room without any distractions. Next time I went in, this is what I found:
Brie was hiding behind the chair, looking very afraid. I talked to her, and she let me pet her, but it was obvious that she was very nervous. I had left a crate in the room which she ignored, but she later hid under the dog bed in the room and anytime the door opened or closed, I would find her either under the bed or running for the bed to hide. When I'm there, she gets brave enough to come out and she purrs while I pet her, but even after a week she's still very frightened.
Then there's her sister Sorbet.
She's a bit different than Brie in both looks and personality. Her beautiful blue eyes and unique markings are what first caught my attention, but if I had known what her personality was before pulling her from the shelter, I would have been a bit more prepared. Shortly after I put Brie and Sorbet in the office, I heard a lot of thumping. It sounded like the cats were bouncing off the walls. And knocking down things on shelves and destroying the room. I'm pretty sure that's exactly what Sorbet was doing. When I went in and found Brie huddled behind the chair, Sorbet was right there looking out the door trying to see into the rest of the house. I sat and talked to the cats, and while Brie just looked at me with fear in her eyes, Sorbet ran up to me and climbed in my lap and began purring. Within 2 hours of being in the office, Sorbet had finished investigating everything in the room and playing with all the toys, and was back to bouncing off the walls. I finally gave in and let her out into the main room of the house. She came right out, met Missy and Remi, checked out the bedroom and the living room and the kitchen, and made herself right at home. I debated letting her stay out all night, but I was afraid the entire house would be destroyed, so I put her back in the office. This cat is going to be so much trouble for some lucky family. Because although she has unending energy, no fear, and way too much curiosity, she's also sweet and loving and affectionate. I adore her.
I also received a call from Tiggr's adopters last night. Although they love him and said he is everything they hoped for, they babysit for their 18 month old granddaughter and she has allergies to cats. They haven't had cats in many years so they didn't know it until Tiggr came to live with them. They were very sad to give him up, and I was sad for Tiggr's sake. But he's back home with me again and will keep waiting for just the right home to come along!
I was a bit worried about them since they've never really known life in a home. Would they be scared in my house with all the normal household noises and the dogs barking? Would they feel scared of all the open space since they've been confined for so long? I put them together in the office and shut the door to let them get accustomed to the room without any distractions. Next time I went in, this is what I found:
![]() |
Brie |
Then there's her sister Sorbet.
![]() |
Sorbet |
I also received a call from Tiggr's adopters last night. Although they love him and said he is everything they hoped for, they babysit for their 18 month old granddaughter and she has allergies to cats. They haven't had cats in many years so they didn't know it until Tiggr came to live with them. They were very sad to give him up, and I was sad for Tiggr's sake. But he's back home with me again and will keep waiting for just the right home to come along!
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Introducing Kira, Kona and Kimba
But first, my neighbor would like to have a word:
I believe what she's trying to say is "Please, for the love of cows, stop taking my picture!" I'm sorry, I can't help myself.
What do you call a grumpy cow?
Okay, on to the introductions. First is Kira. Kira was found as a pregnant stray by a family who couldn't keep her, but they let her stay until she had her two kittens and we could make space for them in a foster home. The kittens are around six weeks old now.
The kittens are another story. They aren't really afraid of anything, and see themselves as mighty hunters. I'm pretty sure they would have gladly taken down Ziggy if Kira had not done such an excellent job of telling Ziggy to get out of their room in no uncertain terms. Instead they had to settle for taking down my tennis shoes. And each other. And the collapsible cat cube. And anything else they could get their paws on.
The kittens and Kira are sharing an empty room in my house that I have specifically designated as a "cat room". Since it'll still be another few weeks before the kittens are old enough to get vetted for adoption, I wanted to give them as much room as possible to run and play.
These kittens were very lucky - they've never known life in a cage. Even so, I feel sorry for them being relegated to only one room of the house, with very little interaction with me and no interaction with any other pets or people. It causes me to buy them lots and lots of cat toys to keep them entertained. And to say, if you haven't considered it, think about fostering! One momma cat and two kittens isn't very much work, and the entertainment they provide is well worth it!
And this is Kimba.
Moo! |
I believe what she's trying to say is "Please, for the love of cows, stop taking my picture!" I'm sorry, I can't help myself.
What do you call a grumpy cow?

Kira is a beautiful cat who couldn't decide if she wanted to be a tabby or a tortoiseshell, so she picked both. Her coloring is called "torbie" - a mix of the tabby pattern and the tortoiseshell markings. She is small and quite young, although I'll have to wait until she goes to the vet to get a good estimate of her age.
Kira is very friendly with people, but after one unfortunate encounter where Ziggy decided to break into her room, I quickly learned that Kira does NOT like dogs.
The kittens are another story. They aren't really afraid of anything, and see themselves as mighty hunters. I'm pretty sure they would have gladly taken down Ziggy if Kira had not done such an excellent job of telling Ziggy to get out of their room in no uncertain terms. Instead they had to settle for taking down my tennis shoes. And each other. And the collapsible cat cube. And anything else they could get their paws on.
The kittens and Kira are sharing an empty room in my house that I have specifically designated as a "cat room". Since it'll still be another few weeks before the kittens are old enough to get vetted for adoption, I wanted to give them as much room as possible to run and play.

This is Kona.
And this is Kimba.
They're both girls, and they'll hopefully be ready for adoption in about three weeks!
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Not So Wordless Wednesday
This is Bailey. She is a Chocolate Lab puppy that was at the adoption event on Saturday, also looking for a home.
For some reason, I look at this cute puppy and I am reminded of a puppy that I fostered many years ago.
There's a certain similarity in their facial expressions, don't you think? And okay fine, it hasn't been many years since I fostered this oh-so-goofy puppy. It's only been a year since this picture was taken. But somehow, with Ziggy, hours can seem like days, and days can seem like weeks, and it's hard to remember when he was this little!
![]() |
Peek-A-Boo! |
I See You! |
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
All About Arnold
This is Arnold:
He's an American Pit Bull Terrier. Possibly mixed with manatee.
Can you see the resemblance?
Here are some other reasons that I believe Arnold may be part manatee.
1. Manatees are quite gentle. So is Arnold.
2. Manatees are agile. Arnold has taken some Agility classes.
3. Manatees often have scars due to boat collisions. Arnold has scars too.
4. Manatees like to eat plants. Arnold does too.
5. Manatees spend most of their time feeding, resting or traveling. So does Arnold.
All in all, I think it's safe to say that Arnold is definitely part manatee. He's being fostered by the trainer who is working with Ziggy and me. She claims he is 100% pure American Pit Bull Terrier. Her dog, Jack, is Arnold's littermate, which is how she ended up fostering Arnold when his family had to move to Ohio -to a city that doesn't allow pit bulls. I haven't seen Jack yet, so I'm not sure if he looks like Arnold. But if he does, I might have to give her the bad news that her dog is also part manatee.
In spite of his dubious heritage, Arnold has done quite well for himself so far. He has been Temperament tested and certified through the American Temperament Test Society. He knows basic obedience (both on and off leash) and is currently enrolled in class and working towards his AKC Canine Good Citizenship. Now if he can just find a home with a family who doesn't mind his mixed-species heritage, he'll be all set!
He's an American Pit Bull Terrier. Possibly mixed with manatee.
Can you see the resemblance?
1. Manatees are quite gentle. So is Arnold.
2. Manatees are agile. Arnold has taken some Agility classes.
3. Manatees often have scars due to boat collisions. Arnold has scars too.
4. Manatees like to eat plants. Arnold does too.
5. Manatees spend most of their time feeding, resting or traveling. So does Arnold.

All in all, I think it's safe to say that Arnold is definitely part manatee. He's being fostered by the trainer who is working with Ziggy and me. She claims he is 100% pure American Pit Bull Terrier. Her dog, Jack, is Arnold's littermate, which is how she ended up fostering Arnold when his family had to move to Ohio -to a city that doesn't allow pit bulls. I haven't seen Jack yet, so I'm not sure if he looks like Arnold. But if he does, I might have to give her the bad news that her dog is also part manatee.
In spite of his dubious heritage, Arnold has done quite well for himself so far. He has been Temperament tested and certified through the American Temperament Test Society. He knows basic obedience (both on and off leash) and is currently enrolled in class and working towards his AKC Canine Good Citizenship. Now if he can just find a home with a family who doesn't mind his mixed-species heritage, he'll be all set!
Monday, April 11, 2011
Tiggr Was Adopted!
I did not expect it to happen so quickly. But the perfect family came along at just the right time, and now Tiggr is happily living his new life with a retired couple. Of course there are no shortage of cats needing help, so I quickly filled up Tiggr's spot with a momma cat and two kittens. And then I went to a shelter and pulled three more cats from there. This is part of the reason I've been too busy to update my blog! I've also been too busy to take their pictures or name them, so I'll be officially introducing them shortly. In the meantime, here are some pictures from Saturday's adoption event. We had many dogs available, and two of them found homes. All dogs featured in this post are currently available for adoption.
Mixed breed puppy pulled from a high-kill shelter |
Two year old beagle pulled from rural shelter |
My foster dog Missy - came from city animal control |
Mixed breed dog from an area shelter |
Tucker - waiting for a home for several months now! |
Chihuahua from puppy mill |
Arnold - turned in when family moved to state with BSL |
Kimmy - mixed breed dog from an area shelter |
Another Chihuahua from puppy mill |
Yet another chihuahua from a puppy mill |
And still another chihuahua from puppy mill |
Sparkle - transfer from another rescue |
Ziggy, praying for a new home (or a snack). |
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