Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Mostly Wordless Wednesday: Ziggy

"What's this?!  A shot-gun shell?"
"I'll take that!"

"Yeah, I'm tough.  I eat bullets for breakfast!"
 Disclaimer!  As soon as Ziggy put this in his mouth I took it away from him so he wouldn't choke.  I don't recommend letting dogs play with shell casings, but when I saw him approach the casing I had to snap a few quick pictures because it is so typical Ziggy.  And as for why there was an empty shell casing in my yard for Ziggy to find, I think Dave (my Army soldier husband) might be responsible.  We'll be having a talk about this when he comes back from his latest drill!


Kari in Alaska said...

Ok that cracks me up

Stop on by for a visit

Cupcake said...

Ziggy is the Clint Eastwood of dogs.

How Sam Sees It said...

That would have been Monty too, although, most likely we wouldn't have known about it until it showed up in his poop!


Purrfect Haven said...

that Ziggy is always such a tinker. We haven't been visiting because we have been away and then encumbered with extra work that going on holiday entails. Lovely to be back. Love Helen, Darcy and Bingley xxx

Anonymous said...

Oh, Ziggy! I don't know WHY your mom took that away from you. I mean, you DID go to bootcamp. I think you prolly know how to handle ammunition.

Wiggles & Wags,

Blueberry's human said...

Ziggy, Ziggy, Ziggy - you are so funny! You will forever be in puppy-mode, won't you?

Now, does Ziggy try to pick up whatever he sees when he goes to Petsmart? Cause there is a LOT to choose from there!