Sunday, September 27, 2009

Fighting Dogs

A friend sent me a link to this video from the website:  It is a video supplied by the Humane Society of Missouri that shows the conditions of some of the dogs rescued during the July dog fighting raids.  I will warn you the video is graphic - it shows dogs with scars, dogs missing limbs, and so on.  It also shows the location where the dogs and puppies are being kept until they are released by the federal courts.  It's hard to watch, but I hope you'll watch it anyway.  Because it happens everyday, and if we pretend it doesn't, nothing will ever change.

Just as a reminder, my matching donation challenge ends in a few days.  I am a supporter of BAD RAP, a rescue group who works with pit bulls, including some that came from this July raid.  They're raising money to build a safe place to care for dogs in emergency situations like these dogs, and I'm going to match whatever my blog readers donate during the month of September.  Here's a link to the post with more details:

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